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Family Shit DiariesDon’t spread Mama’s asshole or she might shit… Starring Itsuki Ayuhara

【Product number】 VRNET-035
【Release date】 2017/04/11
【Director】 Kaoru Adachi
【Actress】 Itsuki Ayuhara
【Duration】 47min
【Price】 1,980yen
【Category】 incest,mlf,scatology,storys,take a crap

Itsuki, a widow, living alone in the country gets excited that her son is back home. She hasn't seen her son in a while but he has come back home a grown, handsome man. Lonely after losing her husband, "Itsuki" regards her son as a man .... When she asks for her son's penis, he is shocked. After some time, the two satisfy their sexual desires by "excretion". Her son catches the feces that are squeezed out of his mother's asshole! XCREAM DUGA

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