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A House Visit by Yua Goto Nationwide Shit Travelogue Saitama / Hokkaido / Ishikawa / Fukui / Chiba

【Product number】 VRXS-206
【Release date】 2018/03/16
【Director】 Kaoru Adachi
【Actress】 Yua Goto
【Duration】 115min
【Price】 6.800yen
【Category】 coprophagia,documentary,enema,Maso man,scatology,take a crap,uriposia,variety works

Delivering shit to the locals while traveling! Yua Goto, the actress without limits, is on a mission to fulfill the kinky desire of fans all over the country! Among the many applicants, Yua fans from Saitama, Hokkaido, Ishikawa, Fukui, and Chiba were selected. From scatology beginners to advanced level participants, you will experience all levels of play with love! Thick shit mutual blowjob leading to the shit kiss! Dropping shit bombs on the face, Yua's shit is unforgiving no matter who you are! DVD XCREAM DUGA

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