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Excrement Maid Café Enjoy the fresh thick and soft cream straight from Kasumi’s asshole!

【Product number】 VRNET-103
【Release date】 2022/10/19
【Director】 Saiyuuuki
【Actress】 Kasumi Hashimoto
【Duration】 40min
【Price】 1,980yen
【Category】 anal play,bishojo,coprophagia,enema,enema play,facesitting,foreign objects,maid,pee,scatology,take a crap,uriposia

I'm Kasumi, and I'll be serving the master♪ Please enjoy the welcome drink while it's still fresh! After filling your stomach with anal-seasoned intestinal sausage, how about a peach pal blowjob for dessert? Enjoy mouth-to-mouth ice cream mixed with saliva and a big peachy ass. Freshly squeezed soft serve ice cream is shit but delicious! How about a Strawberry milk enema direct from the anus! XCREAM DUGA

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