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Defecation Fast Food: A huge amount of shit from Miu! Enjoy a hot dog with shit sauce♪

【Product number】 VRPN-004
【Release date】 2023/10/06
【Director】 Saiyuuuki
【Actress】 Miu Ichinose
【Duration】 39min
【Price】 1,980yen~
【Category】 anal fuck,chubby,coprophagia,enema,enema play,excretion,facesitting,pee,pissing,scatology,take a crap,uriposia

Welcome ♪ Start your morning off with a breakfast set. First, wake yourself up with some fresh piss juice. Our mashed potatoes, made with sweet potatoes and served straight from the asshole are outstanding. After seasoning the sausage in the anus, we serve with shit sauce. Mmm, the smell is amazing so please be sure to eat everything on your plate! We also recommend the jelly and a blowjob served with plenty of pussy juice! Be sure to enjoy an enema shake too! FANZAで購入 XCREAM

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