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The Pervert Manager! Shit/Smell fetish sex experience trip Tokyo/Nippori “The smell of sex”

【Product number】 VRFU-001
【Release date】 2023/10/30
【Actress】 Misuzu
【Duration】 32min
【Price】 1,480yen~
【Category】 amateur,documentary,excretion,pee,pissing,scatology,sister complex,take a crap

A project has started for traveling perverts to experience maniac sex shops across the country. For the first part, we received the cooperation of "The Smell of Sex", a scent fetish specialty store in Nippori, Tokyo! The very popular Misuzu was taking care of us. She is an elegant slender beauty. After enjoying the odor of pantyhose, pussy, ass, feet, saliva, farts and urine, etc. she finishes it off by dropping a pile of shit before your eyes. Experience the dream-like play of cumming with a hand job in a room filled with the smell of shit! XCREAM DUGA

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